Yoga for Equestrians

Last week we looked at the benefits of Pilates for riders, so this week let’s look at Yoga for riders. I use both in my classes as I think they are equally beneficial, however they do differ slightly. 


Yoga tends to focus on the lengthening of muscles and often there is a relaxation element. However I teach specifically Sports Yoga which adds in the stability element found in Pilates. Yoga is also a really good way of teaching Proprioception and body awareness due to some of the postures requiring movement and balance, as well as being able to join movements together to create a flow that will challenge coordination and concentration alongside stability and strength.


Sports Yoga specifically looks at the demands of a sport, the areas that may become shortened/tight and then the areas that need strengthening to improve performance. 


For riders this would be a focus on 


  • Symmetry 
  • Both mobility & stability in the hips
  • Stability in the core
  • Stability of the shoulders
  • Mobility and shock absorption of the ankles -I’m going to look at this next week 
  • Body awareness 


Adding yoga to your routine needn’t take up hours of your time, just 10 minutes a couple of times per week is enough for you to feel the benefit.


Here is a short flow you can use to improve your body’s performance for riding.

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