Strong to be soft

The reason I am an advocate for strength training is not because I believe riding is a strength based sport.

If you have strength in your body you are more likely to have control of your body.

The stronger you are the less effort your muscles have to make to give aids and hold themselves whilst absorbing the movement of the horse.

If your muscles aren’t strong, suddenly to have to give a slightly stronger aid means you will tense and brace to try and give a bit more.

If you are strong, your max effort is a long way off so a stronger aid can be applied much easier and therefore no bracing or tensing is required.

So being stronger can actually enable you to ride softer.

Now, I’m sure many of you have heard the myth that being strong makes you stiff and rigid.

Sure, loads of heavy lifting of isolated muscles is not an optimal way to improve your riding performance.

However, compound moves using multiple muscles such as Squats, Deadlifts, Lunges etc. combined with some mobility work to keep muscles long and take joints through their full range of motion will give you a degree of strength that will allow your body to stabilise and give aids with less force which in turn will allow your body to be soft.

Strength is not just about being able to apply brute force, it’s about having stability and control when force is applied, in this instance the force being applied is your horse.

So, don’t write off strength training as something that will turn you into a bulky brick wall. Think of it as Athletic Performance training in the same way that many other sports people do.  Being strong makes things/your sport less effort.

Be strong enough to ride soft.

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