The thing with rider performance is being just fitter isn’t enough.
The ability to improve your riding often comes from the subtle movements, the tiny tweaks and noticing how your body reacts to your horse and how he responds to you.
Of course it helps if your body is strong enough to make and maintain these movements but strength alone is no use if you aren’t in tune with your body.
How do you get in tune with your body?
- When you are exercising, slow the movement down and feel what’s happening at each point in a movement. Which muscles are working? What happens to the rest of your body? Do the bits move that are supposed to? Do bits move that aren’t supposed to? Really use your exercise to build both strength and connection in your body.
- Do some slower paced exercise such as Pilates, Yoga or Thai Chi that really encourages you to connect with your movements.
- Roll parts of your body with a prickly massage ball before you exercise or ride. This can help to bring awareness to parts that you may otherwise struggle to connect with.
Do you struggle with body awareness when you ride?
What have you tried to improve it?