I’ve been trying to add more strength training into my routine, however my body generally feels better if i do some cardio most days - x trainer, spin class, swim etc which means it’s hard to add in without over training.
Instead I’ve been doing snack size resistance workouts alongside my cardio.
I pick one 1 Upper Body exercise and 1 Lower Body exercise, or a couple of core exercises; then in a spare 5 or 10 minutes between clients I’ll do 10 of each aiming to do this 3 or 4 times across the day.
This means I can fit in the equivalent of one big workout across the week without the overtraining feeling.
Perhaps you could use this to add in a workout across your day. I use weights but only because I have them nearby, you could do without my weights or using whatever you have to hand.
Some suggested pairings to get you started, but do whatever works with the space you’re in at the time.
Squat - Shoulder Press
Press Up - Forward Lunge
Plank Twist- V Sit
Side Lunge - Plank up down