Small Steps to Big Goals in 2018

I hope you had a great new year-or it may have been as un rock and roll as ours!

I do love a new year in itself though. I love the idea of a fresh start, new beginnings and the expectation of where 2018 might take us.

After suggesting you take some time to reflect on 2017 I hope you now have a clearer idea of where you want 2018 to take you and your horse.

Of course nothing is ever guaranteed with horses but hey we can start with a positive attitude can’t we!

Without wanting to stomp on your enthusiasm though I want you to really think about your goals this year and what it will take to achieve them. Let’s be honest if you are currently at Prelim it’s unlikely you will be at PSG by December but hey you could be at Novice or even Elementary by then so closer to that dream than you are right now.

I like to work backwards making a plan of all the small steps along the way that I will need to complete to get me to the end goal.

This way the goal doesn’t seem so big. For example I spent 2017 backing one of my ponies. Obviously the final goal being to be on board walking and trotting without help.

I broke this down into the tiny steps from lunging without tack right up to tack on and then getting on, walking being led and so on. To be honest we are only just there by the skin of our teeth but we hit stumbling blocks along the way (we had nowhere to ride at all whilst the arena was built…..but I now have an arena!) so that slowed us down, but we have got there and I managed to stay focused because I could see all the milestones we had already hit on our journey and that made me positive we could hit the others. Even if we hadn’t got to riding independently we would still be much further on our journey from the not having even worn a bridle this time last year.

In 2018 I want you to make a plan of small steps you can keep taking towards that goal this year and don’t be surprised if at the end of the year you have achieved big things!

I would love to hear what your 2018 Goals are, hit reply and let me know what they are!


PS: I am have space for just 5  1 2 1 Personal Training Clients at my studio this year, so if 2018 is the year you make yourself the best Equestrian Athlete you can be for your horse get in touch!

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