I was whipping cream on Friday evening attempting to make Eaton Mess; however, the cream didn’t appear to be getting thick enough, so I thought I’d failed. Chris came home and tried whipping the cream and it started to thicken and he said I just hadn’t been whipping it long enough-I’d given up too soon.
Cue my lesson the following Thursday in which I’m doing groundwork with Gwyd, and my trainer Becky tells me to wait for him to relax whilst I’m stood at the side of him rather than stood at the front of him like he prefers. Stay there as long as it takes to achieve this. Which from previous experience could be a while. I needed to be patient.
This led me on to thinking about when people set about achieving health, fitness, or riding goals.
One week of healthy eating, a couple of workouts and a few attempts at that thing your instructor told you to do to improve your contact and yet no amazing transformation so it mustn’t be working right?
Or maybe it takes a little longer than a week or so or a short attempt to get results?
The whipping cream just required me to keep doing what I was doing for a bit longer.
The relaxation for Gwyd during groundwork just required me to stay calm and wait a bit longer.
Both of these things required consistency and patience.
If you are trying to achieve a health, fitness or riding goal don’t expect results within the first week. Just focus on being consistent with your efforts week by week so it becomes a habit and see where you are in 4 weeks, 6 weeks……. I bet if you’ve been consistent you’ve started to see the results.
If you want some help and accountability, send me a message and I’ll let you know how I can help.