2020 was a bit of a roller coaster wasn’t it? Although January 1st 2021 unfortunately doesn’t just transport us back into magical normality it at least brings us hope.
New Year is also the time when most of us set goals.
So, what has 2021 got in store for you and your horse?
What are the steps you need to take to get there?
Maybe you’re thinking of stepping up a level at Dressage. What are the new movements you need to be able to perform? What are the things the judges will now be looking for and expecting of you and your horse?
Write a plan of how that’s going to be incorporated into your training.
The system is the same whatever your goals are, stepping up in Jumping, maybe competing for the first time or bringing on your young horse.
As well as considering what you expect your horse to be working towards, what about you?
Are you bringing your A game?
Feeling a little over weight and sluggish after lockdown and Christmas? Time to start putting in place some better nutrition habits and upping your daily activity.
Struggling to stay balanced and organise your body whilst trying those new moves? Adding in some off horse training can help you improve your strength and control back on your horse.
Maybe you’re struggling to get through a full round without being out a breath. Adding in some cardio training will help you get up to speed.
What are your 2021 riding goals? What plans are you putting in place to achieve them?