Got an Hour a Week?

I haven’t given you some exercise to do for a while, I’ve been focusing on providing content to my private group which was set up to keep my classes going during lockdown.

However since lockdown was lifted and we went back to in person classes I’ve still been providing twice weekly in there so that everyone still has extra sessions to do outside of class.

I’ve got into the groove of posting 2 20-25 minute ish sessions, one Pilates/Strength based on a Monday and one Yoga Stretch session on a Friday. These sessions can then be done at any time so it fits around everyone’s schedule and commitments.

Everyone has found the fact that they are only short sessions means that they are much easier to squeeze in around riding, work, family etc. 

The focus of the sessions is always on improving your body for riding so working on hip, shoulder and core stability; stretching out and improving mobility in the the hips and spine and opening up the chest and generally just getting our broken, beaten up bodies to relax.

So, I’ve decided to open it up to everyone as a paid subscription service. I’m keeping it super affordable at just £5 per month -that’s less than a takeaway coffee! If you only got one session a week in that still makes it really good value.

However I appreciate you still want to see what this might be like before you jump in so there’s a link at the bottom to a week of those sessions so you can see how easy it is to fit into your week.

Put 2 slots in your diary now for when you are going to do these workouts and stick to them like you would a work meeting! Think about the effort that goes into making your horse the athlete he/she is and then ask yourself whether you think you could squeeze in less than an hour a week to focus on making yourself a better athlete? For just an extra £5!

If you’re local to me -WN8 9QP and want to join us in person I’ve got space in Wednesday morning 10 am class and Thursday 6.15pm (which is a strength & conditioning class) so for £30 per month you will get a weekly live in person class and the private group.

So here’s the link to subscribe to the group-it should take you to the Facebook group after you sign up-if not send me an email or Facebook message!


And here’s the links to those classes so you can see what you’re in for!


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