Do it for your horse

This week I was asked why people start working with me. 

Honestly most people start their enquiry with “I know I need to be better for my horse.” 

That could be backing a youngster, rehabbing through an injury, managing an older horse or just feeling like you’re on an absolute unicorn and you need to be able to keep up. 

Whatever our horse situation we know that being lighter, very stable and more in tune with our bodies is of great benefit to our horse.

That’s why when we start using the excuses of “ I don’t have time…… back hurts……..surely I do enough yard work” Remember spending just 20-30 minutes on your own body 2-3 times per week could make a huge difference to how you feel as a load for your horse to carry. 

If you’re not balanced how can you expect your horse to be? 

If you can’t control your body and limbs how can you expect your horse to understand what you’re asking?

So although I could say that a correct exercise programme would help with those aches, pains and tiredness if that hasn’t inspired you before it’s time to think about being the best rider that you can be for the sake of your horse.

He doesn’t care if you’re the best rider but I bet he cares if you’re able to to let him get on with doing what you’ve asked him to do (and he’s understood it because it was clear) without hindering him in the process! 

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