Are your sides symmetrical?

We start most of my online workouts with a side bend to warm up and get moving. This is not just a great way to start mobilising and stretching out the body it is also a way of spotting any Asymmetries. 

Firstly, you might notice it is easier to bend one way more than the other, then if you dig a little deeper you might notice there are more things going awry.

As you bend one way you may find it’s not only a little harder, but your shoulder starts to round and your chest closes, maybe your hip starts to creep up or forward? 

Which means you then aren’t truly opening up that side in the same way that you’re opening up the other side.

If you aren’t addressing this Asymmetry from the minute you start the session it’s most likely that the Asymmetry will be there throughout.

This Asymmetry will then be present when you ride, meaning you may be ever so slightly tipped one way, rotated one way and find riding on a particular rein or turning in one direction difficult. 

There can of course be various bits of your body causing this issue but to begin addressing can be started with the basic side bend.

Standing or sitting, take one arm over. Think about weighting the same side hip down to allow you to really lift out of the pelvis. Keep your chest open and notice how the rest of your body aligns. Aim to keep yourself stacked as if stuck between two panes of glass. Repeat on the other side and aim for both sides to feel the same.

Try this as part of your off horse exercise routine and also as part of your pre ride warm up.

Want to check out the weekly side bends in my online programme? 

Sign up here for just £5 per month!

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