An Offer To Make You An Athlete

I have had a couple of conversations this week about riders’ stamina. Particularly why I could quite comfortable do rising trot all day and others can’t. Now I don’t consider myself to be anywhere near Olympic level fitness but I guess I have a decent level of fitness what with it being my job and all that.

Realistically to be riding fit you need only a moderate amount of cardiovascular fitness-think lungs and still being able to breathe, but you need a huge amount of muscular endurance.

Muscular Endurance is essentially your muscles ability to work for an extended length of time.

It is this that stops your legs from aching or losing power during a lesson with your trainer or towards the end of your dressage test.

  • Do you find that your aids don’t work as well as you would like them too?
  • Maybe they don’t feel strong enough or
  • Maybe you can’t sustain your aids long enough to get the required result.

Then it’s time to do some muscular endurance work!

Whilst your cardio work like walking and running will help, to really use your riding muscles you would need to use the rower or cycle. I personally prefer the rower as you work your arms, back and core too.

These are great options but I bet many of you aren’t even a member of a gym? Plus for the endurance benefits you would need to be on there for around 30-40mins-boring!

So what about a home workout that will improve not only your muscular endurance in your legs, but also your arms and most importantly your core alongside improving your cardio fitness to stop you puffing and panting too!

Now I know you don’t have time to go off and design that yourself, nor do you have time to spend hours doing it.

So I have put together a six week programme designed to improve your muscular endurance for riding, improve your core strength and control whilst also sneaking in a little cardio. The programme can be tailored to all fitness levels as there are options for beginners to advanced all laid out in an EBook with a day to day time table of 15 minute workouts and video links if you need them.

Does that sound good?

Well for the next 7 days I am offering it to you guys for just £10!

The price goes up after then so if you want to be fit before the show season is in full swing or you just want to start really excelling in your lessons hit the link now to get your copy and in 6 weeks you will be a Total Equestrian Athlete.

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