DUE TO POPULAR DEMAND We are running two January challenges!!
We’ve listened to feedback from our advent Calendar challenge and we thought it would be beneficial to have two slightly different challenges for you!
What’s included? Initial consultation - video analysis from Stephanie Dootson Veterinary Physiotherapist and Nicola Stuart Rider Strength and Conditioning Coach via WhatsApp.
Everyday exercises (new habits)
Progressive new challenges each day. Alternating between rider and horse days, every day for 28 days.
Weekly check in with Steph and Nic.
Member of the challenge online community
End of challenge debriefALL FOR £30
Or…BUSY LIFE NEW YEAR CHALLENGEWhat’s included? Initial consultation - video analysis from Steph and Nic via WhatsApp.
Everyday exercises (new habits)
Progressive new challenges four times weekly. Alternating between rider and horse days. So 16 challenges in total over the month.
Weekly check in with Steph and Nic.
Member of the challenge online community
End of challenge debrief ALL FOR £20