Are you progressing?

If you look back, are you riding better than you were last year or 6 months ago?

I see lots of riders that have stalled in progress and deem it because their horse isn’t capable of progression. Yet if you as a rider haven’t progressed your skills how on earth can you expect your horse to.

You may have been having regular lessons but much as your trainer can give you the tools if you aren’t able to utilise them you aren’t going to get better. If you are still working on the same things as you were 6 months ago ask yourself why? Are you existing in that space where you keep carrying out the steps like having the lessons and riding in between but you aren’t really pushing yourself out of your comfort zone to achieve those next steps.

Guess what?

If you have stalled in your progress it’s time to step things up and get out of your comfort zone.

Try something different, dial down and really assess what’s stopping you from stepping up.

Often I see riders that are struggling to progress when in fact their problem lies in the execution of the basics.

The seat is not as stable as it could be, the aids are not as precise as they could be, the rein contact is well…….not actually a proper relaxed contact and there’s probably asymmetry in there too!

If you want to progress your riders yours and your horses foundation needs to be solid.

Get in control of your own body, be aware of and in charge of which muscles are switched on and off and how this is affecting the aids you're giving. 

Analyse how your body moves day to day and how moving one part affects another. 

How well can you breathe and move parts of your body in opposing directions?

Become a master of your own movement patterns and see how that makes your riding look in 3, 6, 12 months time.

Snack Size

I’ve been trying to add more strength training into my routine, however my body generally feels better if i do some cardio most days - x trainer, spin class, swim etc which means it’s hard to add in without over training.

Instead I’ve been doing snack size resistance workouts alongside my cardio.

I pick one 1 Upper Body exercise and 1 Lower Body exercise, or a couple of core exercises; then in a spare 5 or 10 minutes between clients I’ll do 10 of each aiming to do this 3 or 4 times across the day. 

This means I can fit in the equivalent of one big workout across the week without the overtraining feeling.

Perhaps you could use this to add in a workout across your day. I use weights but only because I have them nearby, you could do without my weights or using whatever you have to hand.

Some suggested pairings to get you started, but do whatever works with the space you’re in at the time.

Squat - Shoulder Press

Press Up - Forward Lunge

Plank Twist- V Sit

Side Lunge - Plank up down

I know it’s uncomfortable

People assume my clients are all fit, athletic folk……..98% of my clientele is already laughing reading this!

They aren’t. They are all amazing human beings though.

So many of them were completely new to my form of exercise other than riding! Some of them aren’t even currently riding for various reasons. 

Yet, that hasn’t stopped them from stepping outside their comfort zones and starting their journey’s to becoming more comfortable with exercise. 

It’s about getting started. 

It’s about working with someone who gets it

I know what it feels like to be intimidated walking into a new class or a gym.

I know what it feels like to not be able to do something, to struggle getting your body to participate. I understand that “rest in Downward Dog” is the words of a lunatic for a while in Yoga. 

Once upon a time you couldn’t do rising trot, I bet you barely get into trot now without just rising automatically-change your diagonal though…..

So, if you’re reading this and you’re thinking you should probably be trying to up your game to be the rider your horse deserves but it feels too far out of your comfort zone just take the first step.

Go to that new exercise class, join that gym, or close the curtains and do some squats in the living room. If you can just keep making that one step I promise it starts to feel more comfortable.

Also, lots of people on that class or gym will be feeling exactly the same as you do right now but like you they were brave enough to show up.

If you’re not the exercising out of the house type then my online programme is suitable for all levels, all you have to do is sign up and press play!

New Beginning?

April marks the end of the first quarter of the year-Eeeeek! Which of course also means it’s the start of a brand-new quarter!

Springtime and Easter naturally lend themselves to new beginnings with the Farming community losing sleep over lambing and calving right now, and if you don’t have an Apex Predator Bella Cat at your yard then there will also be tiny hares hopping around your fields at dawn and dusk.

New life season means if you aren’t currently happy with the way yours is heading you can take this second quarter to act and re set those goals!

If you set goals at the beginning of the year, firstly look at those now.

How are they going?

If things need to change on those and they need to be reset start there.

If you still want to achieve those goals but you haven’t taken enough steps towards them, ask yourself why? Have you made excuses about lack of time, the weather etc?

Time to decide whether you really want to achieve it and if the answer is yes, it’s time to put in the work.

Ask yourself whether you could get up earlier, skip an episode of that box set or just be more efficient with your time at the yard-less talk more tacking up!

Do you need to work smarter not harder? Do you need to do 5-6 similar, vaguely planned schooling sessions with your horse or would 3-4 quality sessions give you better results in less time. Those spare evenings/early mornings could be spent working on yourself……

If those original goals are no longer right for you, let’s set some new ones.

Where do you want to be in 3 months? 6 months? 12 months plus?

What does it look like?

How will it feel?

What daily actions will you need to take to achieve it?

What changes will you need to make?

What will be your obstacles and how will you overcome them?

Do you want some help and accountability?

I’ve got a couple of spaces for online coaching where we can set your goals and keep you accountable every week to take action towards achieving them, navigating your obstacles, and celebrating your achievements with you along the way. Message me to get started and let’s see where you are by the next quarter!